onsdag 13 april 2016

Beard rules 1-69

1.Respect the Beard
2.Fear the Beard
3.Name for people without Beards, Women
4.Yes it's real
5.Business on top, party on bottom
6.Wisdom is measured in Beards
7.Behind every hot girl is a man with a Beard
8.Respect is not earned, its grown
9.Grow it with care, wear it with pride
10.Real men don't grow up, they grow out
11.The Beard answers to no one
12.The genius strokes his Beard, the fool all else
13.Women talk, Men grow beards
14.With a Beard the only question  about your sex is how often
15.A Beard does not have an off switch
16.Be all that you can Beard
17.Fancy stubble is not a Beard
18.Beard up or shut up
19.Playoff beards are for athletes and posers
20.If you grow it, they will Cum
21.See the beard, know the man
22.You don't choose a Beard, it chooses you
23.Larger Beards have the right of way
24.No women is worth shaving for
25.Go Beard or Go home
26.Vikings, Santa, Lincoln. Need I say more?
27.The thicker the Beard the closer to God
28.At the top of every Beard grows a man
29.Sometimes the carpet outshines the drapes
30.Those with Beards are never alone
31.There is no "I" in Beard
32.The true art of man is the Beard
33.My Beard is my co-pilot
34.A soul patch is not a Beard
35.With great beard comes great responsibility
36.A true Beard has no end
37.Trimming a Beard says a lot about a man, like im not one
38.A Beard is the difference between "Mr" and "Sir"
39.The Beard does the talking 40.Beards don't conceal identity, the make them
41.A ginger Beard is lucky, so is every other Beard
42.Without a Beard there is no man
43.When you have a Beard you have enough
44.A Beard is thicker than water
45.No man is worth your tears, but a Beard is worth a quickie
46.A warriors greatest weapon is grown
47.If you touch my Beard i will touch your butt
48.A bad day with a beard is better then one without
49.My beard is my resume
50.Beard season never ends
51.Bearded men make better everything
52.A Beard is not an accessory, a face is
53.Men don't cry, we water our Beards
54.No scarf? No problem
55.A beard is awesomeness seeping through your face
56.Beard; Mans real best friend
58. Don´t expect anyone to look you in the eyes.
59. Real dads have beards.
60. To be the man, you´ve gotta Beard the man.
61. If you don´t grow,you don`t know.
62. The real fifty shades of gray.
63. A canavas of testosterone.
64. Save a horse, ride a beard.
65. Beards make her clothes fall off.
66. Everything is betta with a bearded fella.
67. Beards make everything better and wetter.
68. Don´t tug the mug rug.
69. If you like the B, Check out the D.